Santina Camilleri

Counselling Services

Specializes in Addiction, Trauma and Mindfulness.


When we hear the word  addiction we instinctively  think about drugs.  But there is more to it than that.

Being super busy is often    perceived as some kind of honor,  a marker of status.  In our culture we are programmed that way.  We tend to convert our busyness to our self-worth. If we are super busy than we are worth a lot, we ‘must be successful’.  On the other hand though, we are also waking up to the fact that being super busy is affecting our well-being and physical health. What happens next?

We get into the oblivious state of seeking out external sources of fleeting relief, and just for a very short moment we are lifted from our tensions only to find ourselves back where we started, seeking yet again, another quick fix of relief.

When we talk about well-being, we are talking about a lot of different things.  We must not forget that well-being  also includes our internal environment, how we feel, what we believe in,  what we value, what we think about, how often we think about things, our worries, our fears, our pasts, our futures, our discomforts, our pain, our relationships and so on…

All of our experiences are wrapped around stress, tension, discomforts,  anxiety, relational issues, anger, grief, loss, pain, moods,  addictions and so on… but what is it that actually lies beneath our anxieties?

We all know that ignoring our internal environment eventually catches up with us.  How do we heal ourselves, when we are caught up on this hamster wheel, running after time, with a never ending to do list?

Healing is about putting yourself in  a safe space to take some time out for yourself, share your experiences, your struggles and explore healthier ways of being, without judgement. Counselling can support you to change old patterns and empower you to reconstruct  a healthier more balanced humane way of being.

This safe space which is sacred and transformative is concerned  with the unique personal meaning you yourself give to your life events  rather than with simply adjusting to your symptoms.  A space to clear away any conditioned psychological illusion that causes you suffering, distress and  disconnection from your true self, at time also from others, and ultimately the world.

Feel, reveal, heal….


On line sessions

On line sessions are also available  – for convenience and flexibility from your own home.  

Individual sessions

Counselling provides you with a very safe space.  A saced and transformative space of learning and understanding  why you are the way you are, and how you can attain a healtheir way fo being. This safe space is yours, to feel home and explore yourself on a  deeper level. 

 Feel, Reveal, Heal…



Group work offers you a safe and confidential space with yourself and with others who are also curious about themselves and their world. It is a sacred and transformative space that offers you the opportunity to learn, reflect and  to raise your self awareness in order to  understand yourself better.

Why come to counselling?

People reach out  for various reasons, just to mention a few, anxiety, mood swings, loss, attachment issues, depression, addiction, relational issues, trauma, big life events,  intrusive thoughts,  personal development and growth. 
Counselling provides a sacred safe space, where you can tell your story as you feel it and not be judged. It is not often that we can find a quiet space to share our fears, anxieties, regrets, sorrows, triumphs and all that comes in between, and be listened to, heard, validated and not judged.
Counselling provides a place to listen closely to your narrative, an opportunity to come up close and personal with yourself, and still feel supported.
Santina is also certified in MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy).
Practitioner with

My Story

Santina has been working in the field of addiction since 1998, facilitating both individual and group sessions.  Over the years she has heard thousands of stories from people  struggling with an addiction, in various chapters of their life journey.